Last Updated 06/07/2022
Go to the NSC Website for the most current information about hours and restrictions.
Some information on this site may be impacted by changes made during the COVID pandemic.
Some information on this site may be impacted by changes made during the COVID pandemic.
Here is a link to a good article that describes how responding to those fun little quizzes can lead to account hacking.
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Facebook Data Mining Posts
Membership Fee is $5.00 a year
Located in the Newark Senior Center, the Senior Surfers Technology Club provides an opportunity for members to appreciate and have fun with today’s technology and devices. You do not need to be proficient with technology to join. We are dedicated to providing answers and training in simple terms.
The Senior Surfers Technology Club was started in September of 1998 as The Senior Surfers Computer Club and is now one of the largest senior groups of its kind in the United States. Started by a few members, the club centers around sharing computing knowledge with other seniors.
The Senior Surfers Technology Club was started in September of 1998 as The Senior Surfers Computer Club and is now one of the largest senior groups of its kind in the United States. Started by a few members, the club centers around sharing computing knowledge with other seniors.
Looking for assistance? We provide both Windows and Apple support for our club members. You can make an appointment with a knowledgeable club member, or ask a simple question by using the Contact Form below.