Once or twice a year, in the Spring and/or in the Winter, club members get together for a social. Prior to the COVID pandemic, the event was held in the Evergreen Room where members brought a dish to share. Raffle tickets can be purchased for a chance at technology related prizes.
More recently, the events were held in a smaller classroom and had a maximum number of attendees. The Club provided all the food and drinks.
More recently, the events were held in a smaller classroom and had a maximum number of attendees. The Club provided all the food and drinks.
The Spring Social includes the announcement of the election results for the Officers and Directors for the coming year.
Other special events, such as Computer Fairs, are held as announced.
For photos of our social and other events, visit our Galleries.
Other special events, such as Computer Fairs, are held as announced.
For photos of our social and other events, visit our Galleries.
Many of our members have shared some of their favorite recipes. They can be found at this site Senior Surfer Recipes.